Now that you know I am aiming to hit Broadway with Queen Esther the Musical, it is completely fair to do a reality check on the end goal.  Broadway has 41 theatres.  Of those theatres, there are many shows that are not going away any time soon.  Hamilton will probably outlive me.  The Lion King, Wicked, and so on and so forth are incredible shows that deserve their Broadway houses.  Furthermore, Queen Esther the Musical is not meant to fit in just any Broadway Theatre that becomes available.  Plus, there is no doubt that Producers are (figuratively) fighting in the streets for any theatre that does become available.  However, that doesn’t diminish the fact that Queen Esther the Musical belongs on Broadway.  

Musicals do not accidentally land on Broadway.  Broadway is the castle on the cloud that every broadway-style musical is aiming for.  There are many paths to arrive on Broadway.  I believe in the Journey.  I am and will be proud of every stop on Queen Esther the Musical’s Journey to Broadway.  From the readings to its first production in front of an audience, whether it be in a Senior Citizen Rec Room, a Regional Theatre, Off-Broadway or the dream itself, I Believe.  Come believe with me!