Hamantashen Filling Recipes

    • Apricot Filling
    • Mango Filling
    • Poppy Seed Filling (Traditional)
    • Almond Paste Filling (Amazing)
    • Keeping it Easy Fillings
    • More to Come!

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    Apricot Filling Recipe


    • 2 Cups Dried & Pitted Apricots
    • 1 Cup Water
    • 1/4 Cup Orange Juice
    • 1/2 Cup Sugar
    • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
    • A Bissel of Salt (1/8 tsp)

    Step 1

    Combine apricots, water, orange juice, sugar, lemon juice and salt in a small saucepan. 

    Step 2

    Stir ingredients and bring to a boil for 1 minute.

    Step 3

    Reduce heat to medium-low.  Cover the saucepan.  Simmer for 30 minutes total. 

    Stir every 3 – 4 minutes to keep the apricots from burning.

    Step 4

    Remove the cover, simmer and stir constantly for another 2 minutes, then turn off the stove.

    Step 5

    Using a potato masher, turn the apricots to mush.

    Step 6


    Transfer the apricot filling into tupperware.

    Fill the saucepan with hot water for easier cleaning.

    Mango Filling Recipe


    Poppy Seed Filling Recipe

    Step 1

    Buy a can of Poppy Seed Filling.

    Solo Poppy Seed Filling

    Step 2

    Open with a Can Opener.