Plans Change

Yep.  Plans changed.  It’s been a whirlwind of excitement and fun.  We bought a new house!  The timing was way different than we expected.  I can go into a long diatribe about it.  In the end, much has happened.  As Jesus and Judas would say, it’s all for...

What’s the Plan?

“The plan” is a common theme throughout Esther.  While there was no pre-meditated intention to make “plans” a theme of Queen Esther the Musical, plans change and now there are lots of references to plans.  I believe in making plans, I know that...

What is Queen Esther the Musical?

Great question!  Thanks.  I asked it myself.  Queen Esther the Musical is a broadway-style musical.  It is based on the story of Esther, a young Jewish woman who becomes queen to the very rich, very generous, very drunk, and very temperamental King Achashverosh in...

Reality Check Please

Now that you know I am aiming to hit Broadway with Queen Esther the Musical, it is completely fair to do a reality check on the end goal.  Broadway has 41 theatres.  Of those theatres, there are many shows that are not going away any time soon.  Hamilton will probably...

Throwing Darts at Broadway

The goal with Queen Esther is to throw this dart at Broadway.  My friend Jason Hait and I used to play darts at the aptly named Dive Bar on the Upper West Side.  I wasn’t particularly great at the game.  Neither did I completely suck.  What I found is that if I...